Sunday, June 04, 2006

Services Offered By QCFI

Services Offered By QCFI are as follows :

i. Quality Circle Integrated with Quality Management.
ii. Quality Improvement Teams.
iii. Six Sigma Implementation.
iv. Learning Problem Solving Techniques/New Seven Tools.
v. Five S and Kaizen and Five S certification.
vi. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).
vii. ISO 9000: 2000 and ISO 14000.
viii. Supply Chain Management.
ix. TRIZ.
x. All other Quality Concepts.


Related Links :

01. Do You Know About QCFI?
02. QCFI and its Contribution to Quality Circle Movement In INDIA
03. Dr. K. Ishikawa : Founder of Quality Circle
04. History of Early 1950's

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History of Early 1950's

From the early 1950’s, Japanese learnt from the seed courses of Dr. E. Deming’s on statistical methods for quality control and Dr. J. Juran’s courses on Quality Management. With zeal for learning and self-sufficiency, they vigorously promoted quality education by local experts across their country. It began with massive education of engineers, and then top and middle managers, supervisory levels . Under their system of organizing work, it became logical to extend training on quality to the ‘Gemba-cho’, the ‘leading hand’ of the workers in a section. Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa and his associates realized the immense potential of front line employees. It is not only the best way to help people to develop their own potential but also from the organization point of view for contribution through training, development and motivation for quality control and improvement. The training featured intra departmental groups of about 10 workers seated around a table and hence the name 'QC Circle'. this thought revolution has been of immense benefit to Japan as a country, to the Japanese organizations that adopted it and to the most of the ASEAN countries who have been pursuing it. Problem solving was no more the exclusive purview of supervisors and managers (with workers only to do as told) but the people who are performing the tasks at work place are trained and empowered to solve work related problems and recommend solutions. Persons becoming members of Quality Circles realize and develop their potential, individually and in groups, acquiring new skills and competencies. Such competencies will only help to improve their performance and capabilities for their own betterment.

Related Links :

01. Do You Know About QCFI?
02. QCFI and its Contribution to Quality Circle Movement In INDIA
03. Dr. K. Ishikawa : Founder of Quality Circle
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Dr. K. Ishikawa : Founder of Quality Circle

Dr. K. Ishikawa started Quality Control Circles (known as Quality Circles in India and in many nations) originally for the self and mutual development of the workmen. They are also a very logical outcome of the Japanese drive for training and accomplishment in quality control and quality improvement.

Related Links :

01. Do You Know About QCFI?
02. QCFI and its Contribution to Quality Circle Movement In INDIA
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QCFI and its Contribution to Quality Circle Movement In INDIA

First you need to understand What is QCFI

Over a period, QCFI realized that concept of Quality Circles has immense implications and potential for India, which is a developing country. Development is not an easy task for a country of this size with an alarming population growth, where a vast majority of them, being illiterate and live in pathetic and unhygienic condition in the villages. Added to this, caste and religion are used to create hatred and in fights amongst them.

Under these circumstances any effort put for their development will not work unless they are made to THINK and understand the necessity to use their own ability for the self and mutual development. There is an urgent need for participation, involvement and collective learning of people. Hence the promotion of Quality Circle which has this basic aim in its concept is needed for country wide propagation. Certain experimental efforts by QCFI to promote this concept in villages has shown tremendous results.

Keeping all this in view , the focus of QCFI now is widened to include all the areas for the propagation of this concept. QCFI's Management is vested in an Executive Board headed by a President. QCFI has acquired its own premises in Hyderabad (Secunderabad).

In QCFI's existence of more than two decades, many organisations in the country have had the benefit of Quality Circle Education and Training and also its assistance in establishing Quality Circles in their organizations. It is heartening to state here that they are all institutional members of QCFI, thus strengthening the base of QCFI for further service. QCFI has 20 Chapters spread over the country in the Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern zones catering to the needs of Quality Circle promotion and training of people in their respective areas.

Here you can see the details about the services rendered by QCFI, various courses conducted, list of its publications, its current activities etc. You will also find details about how to become a member of QCFI. As a member you can learn as well as help others to learn by becoming an active member.

Related Links :

01. Do You Know About QCFI?

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Do You Know About QCFI?

Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI) was founded in April 1982 as a non-political and non-profit organization with Headquarters at Hyderabad to promote Quality Circle concept in India by creating awareness and imparting skills in implementing Quality Circles in the organizations. Initially QCFI had industries as its main focus.