The audit report is prepared under the direction of the lead auditor, who is responsible for its accuracy and completeness.
02. Report Content :
The audit report should faithfully reflect both the tone and content of the audit. It should be dated and signed by the lead auditor. It should contain the following items, as applicable :
A) The Scope and Objectives of the audit;
B) Details of the audit plan, the identification of audit team members and auditee's representatives, audit dates, and identification of the specific organization audited.
C) Identification of the reference documents against which the audit was conducted (Quality System Standard, Auditee's Quality Manual, etc.)
D) Observations of nonconformities.
E) Audit team's judgment of the extent of the auditee's compliance with the applicable quality system standard and related documentation.
F) The system's ability to achieve defined quality objectives.
G) The audit report distribution list.
A function-wise and clause-wise summary of noncompliances may be presented in the form of a NC Matrix.
Any communication made between the time of the closing meeting and the issue of the report should be by the lead auditor.
03. Report Distribution :
The audit report should be sent to the client by the lead auditor. It is the client's responsibility to provide the auditee's senior management with a copy of the audit report. Any additional distribution should be determined in consultation with the auditee. Audit reports containing confidential or proprietary information shall be suitably safeguarded by the auditing organization and the client.
The audit report should be issued as soon as possible. If it cannot be issued within an agreed time period, the reason for delay should be given to both the client and the auditee and a revised issue date established.
The audit is completed upon submission of the audit report to the client.
04. Record Retention :
Audit documents should be retained by agreement between the client, the auditing organization and the auditee, and in accordance with any regulatory requirements.
Related Links :
01. Do You Know About QCFI?
02. QCFI and its Contribution to Quality Circle Movement In INDIA
03. Dr. K. Ishikawa : Founder of Quality Circle
04. History of Early 1950's
05. Services Offered By QCFI
06. Tips to Deal With Interruptions
07. Tips to give Good Feedback
08. Benefits of ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality Management System
09. Debatable Points Related to ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality Management System
10. Re-Defined : Quality
11. Job Titles in Quality Field
12. Four Absolutes of Quality Management
13. Crosby's 14 steps to quality improvement
14. Tips to Create Your Own Luck
15. Cost of Poor Quality
16. ISO 9001 : 2000 - List of Records
17. Quality Tips for Winning in Interview
18. Quality Maintenance
19. Overall Equipment Efficiency
20. Quality Terms Related to ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality Management System
21. What are the AUDIT OBJECTIVES?
22. What is AUDIT PLAN?
23. What is AUDIT TEAM?
24. What are the Responsibilities of LEAD AUDITOR?
25. What are the Responsibilities of AUDITOR?
26. What are the Lead Auditor's Activities in ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality Management System?
27. What are the Auditor's Activities in ISO 9001 : 2000 Quailty Management System?
28. What is Role of Auditee in ISO 9001 : 2000 Audit?
29. What are the Desirable Characteristics of the Documentation in ISO 9001 : 2000 Quailty Management System?
30. What are the Working Documents in ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality Management System?
31. What is the Purpose of an OPENING MEETING in ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality Management System?
32. What is the Glamour behind COLLECTING EVIDENCE?
33. How Become the Top : Think Differently
34. What are the AUDIT OBSERVATIONS ?
35. What it mean by the CLOSING MEETING with AUDITEE ?