01. ISO Clause - 4.2.3 : Record of controlled Documents.
02. ISO Clause - 5.6.1 : Record of Management Review.
03. ISO Clause - 6.2.2 : Human resource records of education, training, skill and experience.
04. ISO Clause - 7.1 : Records providing evidence that product realization processes and resulting product meet requirements.
05. ISO Clause - 7.2.2 : Records of the results of review of requirements related to the product.
06. ISO Clause - 7.3.2 : Design and development inputs relating to the product requirement.
07. ISO Clause - 7.3.4 : Records of design and development review.
08. ISO Clause - 7.3.5 : Design and development verification.
09. ISO Clause - 7.3.6 : Design and development validation.
10. ISO Clause - 7.3.7 : Design and development changes.
11. ISO Clause - 7.4.1 : Records of purchasing process e.g. supplier's evaluation, and action arising out of the same.
12. ISO Clause - 7.5.2 : Records of process validation e.g. process deficiencies become apparent only after the product is in use or the service has been delivered.
13. ISO Clause - 7.5.3 : Product Identification for traceability requirements.
14. ISO Clause - 7.5.4 : Record of customers property to identify, verify, protect and safeguard.
15. ISO Clause - 7.6 : Record of equipments calibration and verification, basis of calibration in the absence of traceable national or international standards.
16. ISO Clause - 8.2.2 : Records pertaining to internal audit, report results as well as follow up activities for verification of the actions taken.
17. ISO Clause - 8.2.4 : Records of monitoring and measurement of product, as evidence of conformance and release of product.
18. ISO Clause - 8.3 : Records of non conforming products, nature of non conformities and actions taken.
19. ISO Clause - 8.5.2 : Records of results of corrective actions taken.
20. ISO Clause - 8.5.3 : Records of results of preventive actions taken.